Lythe Parish Council



Parish Councils are an essential part of the structure of local democracy and have a vital role in acting on behalf of the communities they represent. Parish Councils:

In general terms good governance is about the processes for making and implementing decisions. It is not about making ‘correct’ decisions, but about the best possible process for making those decisions. Good governance is accountable, responsive and follows the rule of law.

In December 2014 the Department for Communities and Local Government issued the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities. This requires smaller authorities such as Parish Councils to make information available to increase democratic accountability. The 'About Us' section provides information about the Councillors’ responsibilities as required under the Transparency Code. The 'Finance' section provides the relevant financial information and the 'Meetings' section provides an up-to-date record of all the agendas, minutes and papers of formal meetings.


Certificate of exemption

Smaller authorities where the higher of gross annual income or expenditure does not exceed £25,000, and other qualifying criteria are met, do not have to send their Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) to an external auditor for a Limited Assurance Review, providing they certify themselves exempt.

The certificate is part of our Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Part 2) completed at the end of the financial year.

Click on the year end below to open the certificate. NB Most recent at the top


Annual governance statement

Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement is part of our Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Part 2) completed at the end of the financial year.

Click on the year end below to open the statement. NB Most recent at the top


Policies & procedures

Click on a document to open it.